06 . 2021

H2P project “COGEGAZ” has been awarded by GRDF within the challenge for ”Décarbonation de l’industrie”

05 . 2021

H2P project “COGEBIOM” has been awarded by ADEME within the call “Plan de Relance” from the French government

04 . 2021

H2P has been awarded by VEOLIA within the call “Valoboost” 

02 . 2021

H2P has signed a partnership with REENIU and Uniconfort

09 . 2020

H2P project SUN2P has been selected by DGA (French Defence Procurement Agency)

Objective : produce 24/7 solar electricity without batteries, in parnership with EcoTech-CERAM

We are currently developing a CSP power unit with the financial support of the French Government Defence procurement and technology agency. The 1st prototype has been completed in 2018.

We are now working on a 2nd French Government Defence program including a thermal storage solution, able to provide electrical power day and night, without using chemical batteries.

06 . 2020

H2P has been awarded by the solar impulse foundation

After a rigorous evaluation process carried out by independent experts, our H2P solution is now referenced among the world’s 1000 cleanest and most profitable solutions labelled by the Solar Impulse Foundation. Thanks for this recognition !

01 . 2018

H2P project “WHIITE” has been awarded by Horizon 2020 Program of the European Commission

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement ID N° 783959

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