Energy creation from wood and biomass


Small to medium biomass systems are all designed to generate heat from various biomass « fuels ». 

These applications require electricity to run. No solution exist to keep the thermal output constant whilst also creating electricity. 

H2P’s Unique Selling Points

The combustion of wood or biomass generates heat over 900°C in the combustion chamber.

The H2P engine is the only solution capable of using this high temperature heat with high efficiency in order to generate both electricity and clean hot air.

Our application is best suited to up-to 3MW of heated flow as an input. We can divert the flow to generate enough electricity to power the heater and unlock energy independence.


The H2P power generator can easily be integrated alongside an existing boiler.

The electricity generated can be used in order to erase the boiler self-consumption, reduce the sites electrical costs and even feed the grid.

The clean hot air generated can be directly used in order to heat buildings during cold weather, and to dry biomass (wood,..) during warm weather.

Some numbers…

  • Example for the CG-20 : 

Input of 275KWth
20kWe produced
210 kWth produced

  • An overall maximal efficiency of 84% in cogeneration
  • A conversion from thermal to electrical power of 31%

The H2P power generator range is up to 3MW input thermal flow.

Conceptual layout of H2P CG-20S with a 100 kW biomass burner

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